Offline forms

Use smart digital forms online and offline.

Work offline with the Incontrol app

The Incontrol app makes sure that field employees always have access to forms, tasks, tickets, documents and reports. By synchronizing the app before departure they always have the most current data from the server in their app.

When arriving on location the employee immediately can start collecting data, performing tasks and picking up tickets. The Incontrol app works all the time, even without an active internet connection.

As soon there is an online connection, the user can synchronize the app with the server. As a result, the newly collected data automatically will be sent to the server and new tasks and tickets are retrieved. This makes sure the user will have the same experience by filling in the form online.

Smart forms

The Incontrol digital forms are stored locally on your device. This makes sure you can also collect data when you are offline.

Read more about the Incontrol Smart forms.

Saved actions

Actions which appear from completed forms are stored locally until the app is synced with the server again. The actions will immediately be distributed to the right people.

Work offline with tasks and tickets

Both tasks and tickets are stored offline and can be handled when necessary.

Read more about ticket management here

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